Impossible to choose which passion project to work on?


Not anymore!

You've got so many brilliant ideas.

How do you choose which is the best return on your time, energy and investment?

That's where my Passion Project Prioritizer calculator comes in.

What you'll get:

  • A copy of my project prioritizing calculator spreadsheet
  • A 5 minute tutorial video
  • BONUS: Step-by-Step Action Plan template
  • BONUS: Action Progress template
  • BONUS: Progress Tracker

How it works:

1) Plug your projects and priorities into the spreadsheet.

2) Score your priorities from 1-5.

3) The spreadsheet will calculate a personalized, data-driven result.

4) Start on the project with the best return on your time, energy and investment, right away.

Don't miss your chance to stop procrastinating


Start today for only $9.



Decision Making

So, why would we want to use a calculator to decide which projects to work on?

Not everyone has an analytical mind. In fact, many creatives have a dislike of spreadsheets.

But you’ve been procrastinating and dithering for months, years or even decades. You haven’t been able to choose by yourself.

An outside third-party that can look at your priorities with a neutral, unbiased eye is the key to finally making a decision.

What others are saying

Candice is so much more than a coach. She helped me break through a slump and finally get back into a daily routine, which in turn helped me get back into writing.

— Noah Steele

I never could have gotten to where I am without Candice. Her guidance was so helpful when it came to my business and her encouraging style was so positive and uplifting.

— Mia Harlan

I was so stuck and was being pulled in too many directions. Candice helped me figure out what I really wanted out of my author business.

— A.R. Lane

When Candice wants to do a thing, Candice does the thing, and she is an expert at getting other people to “do the thing" too.

— Maggie Derrick


I’m Candice!

Three things you should know about me:

1) As a multi-passionate creative entrepreneur I have been, in no particular order:

  • a six-figure bestselling novelist
  • an etsy shop owner
  • an affirmation product designer
  • an amateur music producer
  • an e-com business founder
  • a Creativity Facilitator

2) My superpower is helping people successfully launch their passion projects.

3) I subsist off caffeine and unbridled optimism.

Stop living with regrets and what ifs


Start today for only $9.



What criteria should I consider when scoring my projects?

Score each project based on how well it meets your priority, on a scale of 1-5. A score of 5 means this project meets your priority perfectly.

Is there a limit to how many projects or Priorities I can Include?

Nope! All you need to do is add more rows or columns to the spreadsheet.

I watched the Tutorial and Still Don't Understand How to Use The Spreadsheet

If you watched the tutorial and are still confused, please feel free to email me at I'll be happy to walk you through it!

Ready to take REAL action?


Start today for only $9.
